What is the principle of a surfboard

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The sea breeze drives the waves to surge, and the gravitational force of seawater attempts to restore a calm state to the sea surface. As a result, water particles begin to compress each other, generating pressure inside the sea. Water and waves move synchronously, transmitting energy.

What is the principle of a surfboard

The sea breeze drives the waves to surge, and the gravitational force of seawater attempts to restore a calm state to the sea surface. As a result, water particles begin to compress each other, generating pressure inside the sea. Water and waves move synchronously, transmitting energy. As the waves gradually approach the surfboard, turn the board in the same direction as the waves and try to slide as much as possible to catch up with the speed of the waves. The surfboard forms an angle with the water, and the pressure generated at the bottom can make the surfboard move rapidly on the surface.
Surfboards are sports equipment used by people for surfing. The initial surfboard used was about 5 meters long and weighed 50-6O kilograms. After the Second World War, foamed plastic boards appeared, and their shapes were also improved.
Surfing is a water sport where athletes stand on a surfboard or use their belly, kneeling board, inflatable rubber pads, kayaks, etc. to ride the waves. Regardless of the equipment used, athletes need to have high skills and balance abilities, while also being adept at long-distance swimming in wind and waves. Surfing is a sport where athletes first lie down or kneel on a surfboard and start by rowing with their hands to a place with suitable waves. When the waves push the surfboard to slide, the athlete keeps the surfboard in front of the wave peak and stands up, with their legs naturally open in front and back (usually balancing the legs in front and controlling the legs in back), knees slightly bent, following the waves and sliding quickly.